All this talk about wanting to know the truth is gibberish, illusion, and hypocrisy. Every person understands the truth a good deal more than he lives it. Why does he not do more, then? Ah, there’s the rub!
~ Kierkegaard

It is a sad thing indeed, that people are identified as Christians by association with the ecclesiastical institution.
Once, long ago, it wasn't so.

Couldn't we, for once, live as Christ had?
Ah, yes. I'd forgotten. It's too dangerous.

Ravi Zacharias, in his talk "Mind Games in a World of Images",
quoted Fyodor Dostoevsky as prophesying,

First, art would imitate life,
then life would imitate art,
and finally, life would draw the very reason for its existence
from the arts.

Philosophy used to mean a love of wisdom.
It now means a love of sophistry.

Anything to avoid God.

For where your thoughts are, there will your heart be also.